Saturday, July 4, 2009

Camera Dollars Income System

The “Camera Dollars Income System eBook” written by Brian Moore claims to contain everything you need to know to make money with your digital camera. This is one of the few books currently available on the market today with the type of hardnosed information and resources those bent on doing digital photography work will ever need. Other books I have seen seem outdated – being primarily theoretical and not very helpful in today's market -- when compared with the freshness of Moore's eBook.

Brian Moore has been earning a very high income for more than two years while using this system. He continues to make his living as a free-lance digital photographer. His advice is timely and useful.

The ability of the layman to earn a living by selling his photos is a fairly recent phenomenon in digital photography circles. Moore does an admirable job of breaking down the whole business of digital photography without getting bogged down in the history of its development.

His audience is clearly the layman with a digital camera who wants to earn a part-time or full-time income selling his photos on the internet. In this eBook, you’ll learn:

'How to' earn ongoing residual revenue from each digital photo you submit online;

About a relatively unknown photography market that is exploding thanks to the internet;

How to ensure you are getting the best fee possible for each photo you submit online;

How NOT to get taken advantage of and how to ensure you are paid a fair price for your photos;

Resources to find out what buyers are looking for and why buyers are buying photos;

Who pays the highest rates – and how to market your photos to buyers so they will come back again and again for your work;

Ideas to create multiple streams of income from your digital photos such as turning your photos into saleable screen savers;

How to find websites that will practically beg you for your photos - and who’ll be willing to pay a premium for each photo you submit to them;

How to select the right keywords to use with your photos – use the wrong keywords and your sales may slowly suffer, use the right keywords and sales will soar;

What a "field rep" is and how you can start providing this in-demand service immediately;

How to sell your images on your own website and keep all the profits for yourself – includes advice on how to post your photos on a web page, how to flood your site with traffic and how to write copy;

How to sell your images offline in your own profitable brick and mortar photography store;

How to make money in the competitive world of celebrity gossip sites – these tips are extremely powerful and will give you a leg up on your competition;

How to take pictures of sporting events and sell them online – follow Brian's tips and he promises you'll make money;

How to make your images look professional for extra cash even if you are an amateur just starting out – Brian demonstrates how to get the perfect shot every time with your digital camera;

What to take pictures of – find out what types of images are in the most demand in this chapter;

How to sell your photos on eBay – Brian gives some great tips on this and makes it so simple;

There’s a lot more helpful information in the book regarding the finer points of setting up your business. There's not much fluff and it's easy to read.

One of the impressive things that became apparent after I had finished the book was that digital photography work does not require you to buy expensive digital photography equipment, create any websites, ship anything, get involved with adult or pornographic content, or to have any special computer skills. It also does not require any extensive customer support.

Moore drives home the fact that digital photography work is growing faster than the supply of available photographers.

Photographers are needed worldwide – and thanks to the abilities of the Internet, anyone who will take the time to read and follow the instructions in this book has a legitimate chance of earning a very good part-time income or an excellent full-time income as a digital photographer selling photos online.

Because all work is submitted online, this is work one can do from anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection. The eBook tells you exactly how and where to upload the pictures you take onto the internet. Waiting for someone to pay for your photos is the hardest part and if there is a fault with the system, it would be that one would get impatient and stop taking and uploading photos thereby limiting one's income potential.

This is a comprehensive guide that leaves nothing out of the business equation left unexplained. It describes and gives references to the types of images that are most in demand and where and how to upload your photos for residual monthly income. All in all, this is a helpful and practical how to guide for any erstwhile digital photographer desiring to do digital photography work online.

Bruce Santucci is Senior Reviewer for BAS & Associates, Inc., a Delaware Corporation Comments are welcome and appreciated on his blog at where you can read more about this eBook and where you will find a link to purchase it.

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